Hey visitors to CarlousMoochous.com, thanks for stopping by. Apologies for the lack of content as far as either travel blog posts, or how to guides but I have been neck deep in university assignments for the past few weeks. Fortunately they have all been completed now and submitted (hopefully successfully) and now I have more time to spend on the site. So check back over the next week or so for the first snapshot of Melbourne and the first how to guide for building your own blog. I did some initial filming the other week when the sun was out but my battery died very early in the day. Since then we have had about a week of rain, and more is expected so there may be more written blogs before any video gets posted anytime soon (unless you like the rain). Anyway, this is just a quick video blog to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about the site, and now that I have a little more time on my hands I am to put a lot more effort into generating some new content.
1 Comment
We like it bro…..