Hey everyone its been a while since I sat down in front of the camera and provided the site with a new video blog, so tonight I decided to rectify that situation. Given its been a while it is quite a lengthy video today (about 7mins) so if you feel like it’s going on forever, sorry about that. Although if you are a regular, you know I can waffle on, so you wont be surprised that the original was 15mins long. Anyway in this blog I talk about some exciting news that will result in us moving very soon, some changes to our future holiday plans and even some travel related news coverage. If you want to find out what these things are, you need to click on the video below and get right into it. Hmm, after that last sentence maybe I should work for one of those websites that tells you they are going to answer  your questions but then just make you click on links… Anyway enough waffle, Enjoy and I’ll be back soon.


Vancouver Day 1 024
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InFlight: QF635 - Brisbane to Melbourne

1 Comment

  1. chris
    October 14, 2012 at 7:29 pm — Reply

    Hi, I came across your site via one of the aviation forums. Great to hear about your experiences in China. Will be interesting to see more of your vblogs.

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