OnDestination: Byron Bay – Australia’s most Easterly Point
A #justforfun daytrip isn’t complete without an early morning wake up, a trip to the airport and flight to somewhere I haven’t been before. As winter is coming, I chose to escape the fast approaching cool Melbourne day, for a warmer day in Byron Bay. In typical fashion (for me
OnDestination: Mildura on the Murray
As a child growing up the only reason I knew Mildura existed was because it was always on the 7pm ABC news weather report as a dot in the top left hand corner of the state and more often than not recorded the highest temperature for the day. Fast forward
Share the Travel Writing Love
Hi Everyone, This is an unusual post on my blog as it isn’t reviewing anything for a change. This time I’m asking for your help in sharing my love of writing about travel around. A few months ago I entered the BarrelHopping travel writing contest, and my article is now