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17 Nov 2012

InFlight: Chicago to Miami – American First 777

Route: Chicago to Miami Flight: AA1078 Carrier: American Airlines Class: First Terminal: After arriving in on the red eye from Seattle (you can read that InFlight review here) I decided to try out the Admirals club between the H and K concourses which was conveniently directly on the path between

10 Nov 2012

InFlight: American Airlines Redeye Seattle to Chicago (First)

Route: Seattle to Chicago Flight: AA1866 Carrier: American Airlines Class: First Terminal: Tonight’s flight departed out of Seattle’s SEATAC A concourse so my first mission was to find a lounge to relax in before my flight. Alas there is no Admirals club in Seattle however if you have an admirals

08 Nov 2012

All Aboard! “The VIA Canadian”

The are plenty of great railroad journeys around the world that many aspire to complete, the trans Siberian, Indian pacific or Rocky Mountaineer all come to mind pretty easily. Most people associate these grand rail journeys with equally grand price tags and thus feel they are out of reach. But

02 Nov 2012

Victoria B.C (No not Melbourne)

Hey all, sorry I didn’t get around to doing a video blog last night as it was Halloween over here in North America, so naturally I was on a ghost tour of the Pike Place Markets. I’ll put up a blog and review about that later on during my trip

31 Oct 2012

Video Blog: Seattle under a jetlag haze

The first day of any trip is always a mixture of excitement and being so bloody tired that you need to really think when crossing the road, especially when cars are now coming from the other way. Thus this morning was a little bit of a write off as I

31 Oct 2012

InFlight: Canberra to Gold Coast – Virgin Business

Route: Canberra to Gold Coast (Coolangatta) Flight: DJ 1693 Carrier: Virgin Australia Class: Business Terminal: It was an extremely satisfying feeling walking into the terminal after a week of work knowing that the majority of the next three weeks I will be in the air or sightseeing around Canada and the


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