Going to America – Today!
Today marks day one of my three week tour of North America, with 15 flights and numerous other forms of travels exploring Canada and the United States. I’m aiming to produce heaps of InFlight and InBed reviews as well as running a day to day blog/video blog. Thus Carlousmoochous.com is
Video News Update
Hey everyone its been a while since I sat down in front of the camera and provided the site with a new video blog, so tonight I decided to rectify that situation. Given its been a while it is quite a lengthy video today (about 7mins) so if you feel
Europe: How would you spend 30 days?
In today’s blog, instead of me just waffling on about me and what I’ve been doing, I’ve decided its time to get you, my readers to do some of the work. Thus I am asking a question today, what would you do for 30 days in Europe. Check out the
Planes, Trains and Shower Curtains
This video blog is all about my recent experience flying up to Sydney and getting to my city hotel only to find shower curtains. I’ll leave the rest of the story for the video blog, so check it out.. It’s about 7mins long this time round and I tried to
Happy New Year – 2011
Hey blog reading people, Happy New Year & Merry Christmas. Hope you all had a great christmas and new years and are ready to head back to work sometime in January (if you are lucky enough to have longer off, good for you.. Enjoy it). Here is my first video
Video Update
Hey visitors to CarlousMoochous.com, thanks for stopping by. Apologies for the lack of content as far as either travel blog posts, or how to guides but I have been neck deep in university assignments for the past few weeks. Fortunately they have all been completed now and submitted (hopefully successfully)